
Use cases

What can Recogneyes do for you?

Computer vision is transforming businesses every day, it has been in broad use for decades, however, when it comes to their application to a real business and production cases, a distinctive approach is needed.
Depending on your business needs and niche, it can bring you the following advantages: enhance the consumer experience, reduce costs, time-saving, better quality control, big data analytics and easy reporting.

Recogneyes works upon media AI technologies to make it easier to extract insights from videos. Power new forms of content discovery such as searching for objects, faces, characters, and emotions.

Image module


Insights extracted from the video can be used to enhance the search experience across a video library. For example, indexing faces can enable the search experience of finding moments in a video where two people were seen together. Search based on such insights from videos is applicable to news agencies, educational institutes, broadcasters, entertainment content owners and in general to any industry that has a video library that users need to search against.

Content creation

Insights extracted from videos and help effectively create content such as trailers, social media content, news clips etc. from existing content in the organization archive


Industries that rely on ad revenue (for example, news media, social media, etc.), can deliver more relevant ads by using the extracted insights as additional signals to the ad server (presenting a sports shoe ad is more relevant in the middle of a football match vs. a swimming competition).

User engagement

Improves user engagement by positioning the relevant video moments to users. As an example, consider an educational video that explains spheres for the first 30 minutes and pyramids in the next 30 minutes. A student reading about pyramids would benefit more if the video is positioned starting from the 30-minute marker.


Thanks to its modules, Recogneyes is a very flexible and versatile piece of software. It can be used in a wide range of scenarios. According to client needs, we can customize the application both in terms of algorithms and data outputted. We can retrain the algorithm to recognize:

  • Image
    More actors faces
  • Image
    Industrial components
  • Image
    Actions in sports
  • Image
    Specific environments
  • Image
    Extra landmarks

Examples of use

Insights extracted from the video can be used to enhance the search experience across a video library, can help effectively create content, can deliver more relevant ads by using the extracted insights as additional signals to the ad server

Make that business upgrade you need

Manual human video labeling is a real burden on businesses that work with video archives.


Faster, cheaper, smarter

Get in touch with us to start trying it out